Upcoming events.

Ketamine Intensive Training for Providers
to May 6

Ketamine Intensive Training for Providers

Join Dr. Lindsay Wilkinson and Dr. Kathryn Kloos for a comprehensive professional ketamine training program including experiential and didactic learning in how to provide and administer oral and intramuscular ketamine assisted therapy treatments in your clinical practice. This training was sold out last year and we are thrilled to be able to offer it again this May with more content, the latest research and more flexibility for providers to be able to learn and grow their practice. We expect this class to fill up quickly, please click the link below to reserve your space.

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Negotiating Altered States of Sacred Consciousness Retreat
to Sep 24

Negotiating Altered States of Sacred Consciousness Retreat

Join us to hear wisdom teachings and learn the fundamental skills necessary for working with clients in altered states of consciousness. A Lakota healing inspired holistic look at sacred altered states with Naturopathic Physician Dancing Crow (aka Dr. Debora Frances).

Spend a weekend listening to wisdom teachings, experiencing shamanic journeys, and listening to the song of nature. Relax underneath the green canopy of old-growth forest in Corbett Oregon within a ceremonial group setting. All healers welcome: naturopaths, counselors, doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, etc...

Course Content:

-Defining altered states of consciousness and understanding the complex spectrum of working with clients in altered states.

-Skills for grounding and developing relationships with nature, elements, etc

-Cultivating boundaries and protective forces for entering altered states

-Experiential shamanic drumming, song, and journeywork

-Understanding personal versus collective archetypes and how they influence working in altered states

-Storytelling, camping, shared meals with Dancing Crow

-Expenses cover teachings, experiential learning, and dinner on Saturday.

Cost Overview:

-$475 for professionals (ND CEU pending)

-$375 for students

-$25 per person camp fee (required)

-$100 deposit is required to reserve your space

-$50 early bird discount for signing up before August 15th

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