Naturopathic Healthcare at Áureo
Áureo is dedicated to providing the highest quality holistic naturopathic treatment options for all patients. Our approach is individualized and can include screening and specialty lab testing, physical examination, diagnosis and standard of care treatment.
Naturopathic Therapeutics at Áureo
What is Naturopathic Medicine? Our practices include holistic healing on all levels (mind, body, spirit). The tenants of naturopathic medicine include:
Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or belief in the wisdom and healing power of nature.
Tolle Causum, work to identify and treat the cause of disease, as opposed to solely addressing symptoms.
Primum Non Nocere, first, do no harm.
Docere, doctor as teacher.
Tolle Totum, treat the whole person.
Praevenire, prevention is the best “cure”.
Popular Treatment Options:
Specialty and Conventional Lab Testing: Naturopathic physicians often order lab testing to rule out organic causes for illnesses that are tricky and multifaceted such as: chronic fatigue, thyroid dysregulation, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, depresson and many more.
Combination Herbal Medicine and Bodywork: Several of the Naturopathic Physicians at Áureo offer a combination of treatment modalities to bring a patient’s symptoms into holistic balance. Many patients come to us for Pelvic Floor Therapy which can work synergistically with specific botanical medicine herbal treatments (teas, tinctures, supplements). Other examples include Ketamine Assisted Treatment for anxiety and depression used in conjunction with CranialSacral Therapy and herbal medicine for healing, body/mind balancing and relaxation.
Maya Abdominal Therapy with Internal GI Support: Many of our patients struggle with long term digestive symptoms including diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating, nausea, GERD and others. Our providers work with patients to rule out organic causes for their symptoms, work towards whole body healing and include internal supplements and nutritional changes in conjunction with Abdominal Bodywork techniques to improve organ alignment, blood flow and function.
Hormone Supplementation and Replacement Therapy: Our naturopathic physicians provide expert insight and treatment recommendations for patients experiencing symptoms of sex hormone imbalance such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, low libido, depressed mood and more. Hormonal shifts in both men and women during times of high stress, illness and midlife can wreak havoc on a patient’ ability to function day to day. Our doctors work to find the root cause(s) of a patient’s symptoms and provide multiple treatment options to support and balance the body.
Additional tools that our physicians may incorporate to treat illness include:
Exercise and Body Movement planning
Nutritional support and planning
Botanical medicine
Physical medicine including gentle naturopathic manipulative therapies, microcurrent, hydrotherapy, etc…
Bodywork and Massage
Flower Essences
Biotherapeutic Drainage (UNDAs, Gemmos, Oligo-elements, etc…)
IV therapy
Injection therapy (PRP, etc…)